This could qualify as using his blood to his advantage. Knight is also sometimes speculated as a "protector", or one who uses their aspect to protect their teammates rather than to advance themselves, which could potentially make it counterpart to Heir or Maid instead. Aranea, in Act 6 Intermission 5, describes the two options Yaldabaoth offers Caliborn in The Choice. This can be shown by how Meulin is being manipulated through Kurloz, her former matesprit (which is the quadrant represented by a heart), and how Sollux was manipulated by the voices of the imminently deceased or the doomed, as well as ghostly Aradia. Andrew Hussie also inserted himself into Homestuck's story as a character, where he offers detailed summaries and ends up in "bizarre in-world encounters. Dave has so far saved the lives of all the members of his team. 2) Dirk destroys Jake's fake confidence and fantasies of adventure so that he might develop the real confidence necessary to pursue his true power as a Page of Hope. Pages seem to have a tendency to begin their sessions with a personal deficit in their aspect. A 2014 title quest that gives you your class and aspect based on a very short self-administered personality test. [HS 21] Despite his thorough belief in the hemospectrum, he has a borderline fetishistic adoration for Aradia Megido, who is of the lowest caste. God Tier Classes October 30, 2013 Emily Fantasy & Mythology Homestuck God Tier Class Maid Page Mage Knight Rogue Sylph Seer Thief . You only have enough time to save one of them. This would directly enact the idea of a page being weak at first but having extreme potential. In the figurative sense, she focused on helping people to heal from psychological wounds. Connections to Homestuck. I'm finally giving my fan trolls and kids god tiers and I'm not too sure how their aspects play into their characters I understand life is tied to Calliope's theories aren't always accurate, and Calliope's understanding of gender may be based on the concept of her own species' duality, so what she may understand as gendered traits may be according to personality traits contrasting her and Caliborn. It could also be speculated that the Muse class is based on the traditional role of a muse: to inspire. They deal with the redistribution of an aspect; while the active Thief will steal or take their aspect for themselves, the passive Rogue will generally take it then distribute it to someone or something outside of themselves. Your Aspect indicates that you are bound to one of twelve cosmic properties: Breath, Blood, Life, Doom, Light, Void, Time, Space, Heart, Mind, Rage, or Hope. Not immediately apparent in most renditions, the Page outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. [6] Rose forms a relationship with, and marries in Act 7, the troll Kanaya Maryam during the events of Homestuck. Start Quiz. She is a burgundy-blood: the lowest ranking blood color on the hemospectrum with the shortest lifespan of all trolls, but also the most likely to have psychic powers. The prime example of this is Dirk as the Prince of Heart: 1) He breaks the heart of Roxy and their obsession with him so that they might develop stronger relationships with others over the course of their game. Lord and Muse classes will not be included due to them only being assigned in special cases and not according to personality. The Seer is a passive (+) class, that uses extensive knowledge to coordinate their team members. Even more literally, an heir could be considered one who is entitled to [aspect] on behalf of another's death. Answer the sixteen questions as accurately as you can. This would be supported by Aranea's unlocking light for others, and Jade's unlocking space by her teleporting, expanding/shrinking, and moving powers. Seer: Very smart but very difficult and/or painful to talk to, one way or another. [15] His classpect is Page of Breath. Aspects. If something doesn't look like you've seen it before in the comic, it's almost certainly based on the personalities/actions of the characters in the comic with that aspect. This religion is similar to that of the juggalo: he has an obsession with Faygo and believes firmly in miracles and the coming of the Dark Carnival. Hello! Here's some detail: sources should be added to more statements, speculative statements should be cleaned up and made more objective, and subjectivity should be avoided. Additionally, Kurloz, the Prince of Rage, is always seen as being completely calm in all situations, meaning he completely lacks rage. She embodies an interest in both furries and shipping, a combination Hussie described as "for the sake of efficiency. Homestuck characters are particularly popular to cosplay at anime conventions.[1]. Maids may also be the active (-) counterpart to the Sylph class, being healers or repairers, as Sylph appears to be a healer class. Heart is the wellspring for the infinite variety of sentient life, each of us made unique in our subtle byplay of . The Witch is an active (-) class. They eventually defined themself as non-binary. "[3] After Ryan North asked why "MS Paint Adventures" doesn't follow the adventures of a "Ms. At the same time, you see your co-player's house off in the distance being assaulted by high-level enemies. It is not clear whether this is Caliborn's original default Lord of Time outfit or a modified version like Meenah's outfit in Ministrife, but modifications very likely took place. Bard and Prince are a pair of classes, respectively passive (+) and active (-), that deal with destruction. This could make it the passive (+) counterpart to the Knight class, Knights being speculated as those who fight (for themselves/for others) with [aspect] and Maids being those that protect themselves and others. [HS 3] Her classpect is the Rogue of Void. Witches might choose "which" portion of their aspect they want, such as Jade choosing which Space to occupy, including traveling to another session, and Feferi choosing which Life to lead. Meenah, the Thief of Life, "stole" her friends' lives by killing them so they could continue to exist after the scratch in A1. He is the one who programs Sgrub (the troll version of Sburb) from the code Aradia found. Roxy also regularly ganked pumpkins from Jake's island (gourds noted as being mostly detached from reality) to help feed the Carapacians in her neighborhood, in-keeping with the "Robin Hood" comparison sometimes attributed to the Rogue class. And more importantly, do you make a deal with the (equine) devil? Bard: That one chill, offbeat friend who's hella weird but in a good way. If you've ever wondered what your Sburb title would be, you've come to the right place! The bodies and biology of Heirs seem to be connected to their Aspects, which fits how familial heirs are blood-related to whoever they inherit a position from. The most common definition of a Witch is one who manipulates [aspect], although that seems a little vague. The webcomic centers on a group of teenagers who unwittingly bring about the end of the world through the installation of a beta copy of an upcoming computer game. Gamzee in the pre-retcon timeline has a relationship with Terezi which destroys her fighting spirit and confidence. Q0: Would you be bothered if you got a class of the wrong gender? He is shy and unassertive, and struggles with standing up for himself, especially to Vriska. Curiously, the only session to succeed in breeding a healthy Genesis Frog involved the Time and Space players working together. Q2: What (in your opinion) is the greatest way you contribute to the fandom? What do you do? She tends to speak and write in a formal, overwrought manner, as if to demonstrate her knowledge. Her classpect is Witch of Space, and being a space player, she creates the Genesis Frog of her session. Homestuck mentions 14 modules in which 12 classes belong to normal classes while 2 are master classes. We update the quiz regularly and it's the most accurate among the other quizzes. John throughout the story was referred to as a wizard, and had connections with the mythic archetype of a Magician like the Witch; such as familiars. Hussie has stated that the passiveness or activeness of a class is determined by multiple factors, and is related to whether the player is a Prospit or Derse dreamer. His . However, "Page" could also be taken as "a blank sheet of paper," which would point to the potential they have and possibly make the Page as actually something to do with exploiting potential rather than that just being a side effect of their powers. Aradia mentions this idea to Dave at one point. It is unclear where they fall on the active/passive axis. And WTF Is Homestuck? "[5] She is Equius' moirail, or pacifying platonic soulmate, and has a crush on Karkat. Not immediately apparent in most renditions, the Rogue outfit has a front pocket akin to a typical hoodie. [22], Mary Kinney of New York University wrote that Homestuck, which is heavily stylized as an adventure game, features an "implied character" as the player. However, maid could be a possible counterpart to page, due to a page boy being a form of male servant. Witches are possibly the active (-) counterpart to Heir, which both seem to deal with changing or manipulating their aspects. The traditional connotations of sylphs and witches are generally mysterious and secretive. Introducing the Extended Zodiac, an updated astrological profile for an expanding world. This may imply that Caliborn's class and Aspect combination is related to him being "Already here.". Even though sloppy is fine, it might be a bit of a good idea to arrange this particular page because, to be quite frank, as it is right now, it is just absolute garbage. A forum page to discuss theories regarding class can be found, Andrew Hussie has jokingly stated that that, The Mage class is the only one that hasn't been seen in. Dave puts on the "aloof coolkid" mask, complete with shades that hide his emotions. By taking the test, you may determine which of the 288 signs below is your True Sign . Submit fanart, cosplay and discussions of all kinds! They may also be defined as one who is consumed by [aspect], one who becomes their [aspect], or one who is surrounded by [aspect], as seen when John, surrounded by the Windy Thing, eventually became the wind, when Equius was surrounded by a Void that protected him from Doc Scratch's omniscience, and when Mituna had the failure of his psiioniics envelop his mind. Aradia used time travel to avert doomed timelines, in essence, "repairing the timeline," and Jane repaired her planet, herself, and Karkat's Life. [6][HS 20] Her astrological sign is Libra. Later on he allows his Rage to be destroyed by Karkat and sets a trap for Terezi that, by inspiring Rage against Vriska, invites her to commit destruction. Sylph is a magic-based class that is thought to specialize in healing. Take this Homestuck Classpect quiz to find out your class and aspect. His ancestor is Orphaner Dualscar, who he named his Flarp character after. Alternatively, it could be presumed that the lord holds the combined roles of the active (-) classes, while the muse holds the roles of the passive (+). During his stay on the meteor, his uncanny ability to inspire Rage in Terezi results in him becoming her kismesis, which proves to be a very negative (or self-destructive, as it were) relationship for her. Now, let's talk about Light. It argues it's the cleanest, most streamline one, cutting all unnecessary variables. Bards can be seen as the opposite of the Prince pattern. This is a unconfirmed unisex class. Therefore, a Mage may "forfeit [aspect] to gain knowledge pertaining [aspect]". The main characters of Homestuck were all named by fans. They often do not have to work as . Excluding the master classes, no class's position on the scale has been revealed, although some hints have been given. As the Condesce, in A2, she was able to lengthen the lifespans of others, possibly indefinitely, on a whim. His blood was used to block out information in Rose's tome, and his death can be seen as a pun on his title, as he was killed by being rendered "Void of Air". His astrological sign is Taurus. We also have an unofficial Homestuck Discord at if you want to chat with fellow fans. Q12: You and your teammate both have different plots for how to deal with the Dersian royalty. Mituna, the Heir of Doom, was said to have lost his psychic powers (and part of his sanity) while protecting his friends from an imminent disaster. [6] She often uses a hunting rifle (specibus Riflekind) in battle. His astrological sign is Cancer. He also claims that he is destined to go blind before dying,[HS 15] a claim which later proves to be partially true. Known Heirs are John Egbert, the Heir of Breath; Equius Zahhak, the Heir of Void; and Mituna Captor, the Heir of Doom. Mage class could also be the passive (+) counterpart to the Witch class and can mean one who manipulates with or through the use of [aspect] or one who is manipulated by [aspect]. homestuck class personalities . [HS 2] She wields a weapon similar to a pitchfork that vacillates between a pronged or spoon-like head depending on the Betty Crocker branding at the time (strife specibus Forkkind or Spoonkind). MS Paint Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Similar to Jade Harley, Jake English lives alone on an island. Early pages of Homestuck were experiments in "fan-sourced storytelling", where Hussie allowed readers of Homestuck to name its characters and make story suggestions. But I am sort of leaning torwards leaving them out for the same reason I left the different consort species out; they aren't really individual characters. The Sufferer (reincarnation of Kankri Vantas, the Seer of Blood) was able to recall his past incarnation. Caliborn, of course, as an active player, chooses the more active choice: to prove himself through a series of trials before receiving unconditional immortality and a limitless supply of power, "to destroy anything he wanted, for as long as he wanted". He copied this behavior from his older brother (also his biological father through ectobiology and his only guardian), who collects puppets and katanas on what Dave assumes is an ironic level. He is a violet-blood, making him part of the two castes that make up the sea-dwellers, a sub-race of trolls "distinct from the commoners by mutation and habitat", as it is put during his introduction. [6] He is often high on Sopor Slime or possessed by other forces such as Lord English or his classpect. The tale of Calliope's tragedy, for example, inspired hundreds of souls to seek her out, or, at the very least, to seek a way to kill Caliborn. Hussie invented an alien species, called trolls, that have a unique culture. The name Karkat is a reference to "Karkata" the name of Cancer in the Hindu zodiac. He looks angry. Knights might be protectors of their aspect as well, examples being Dave's conscious efforts to maintain the timeline and concerns over John's new timeline-altering powers, as well as Karkat's protection of his team/comrades (Blood) throughout their session and post-scratch. Telepathy. As she can see the future through her dreams, Jade was the one who encouraged the other three kids to play the fictional video game Sburb, and therefore set the plot in motion. She lives in a cave with her lusus, and is known for acting like a cat. One speculation for the class is one who creates [aspect] or one who creates through [aspect] for the betterment of others. The Prince's powers seem to include, (aside from their obvious abilities to channel their aspect to destroy, or simply destroy their aspect outright) phenomenal offensive abilities: If the pre-scratch version of Dave's bro is any indication, Dirk is also an incredibly strong fighter. Q10: You've reached your first gate, and find yourself in a village full of [insert favorite color here]-colored [insert favorite amphibireptile here]s. You realize that these are your planet's consorts! John speculated to himself that a Seer might be someone who knows how the consequences of certain actions play out, but he was likely talking about Seers of Mind specifically, not all Seers. John, the Heir of Breath, receives a sort of freedom from the storyline and a disconnection from reality when he is affected by Lord English's "treasure", and Mituna receives a kind of doom when he loses part of his sanity. Also in Collide, a dead Kanaya is shown in a god tier outfit - but the pattern doesn't match Aranea, the other Sylph. The pairing is further alluded to by the fact that, in the post-scratch Troll session, only the Seer and Mage are blind, and Sollux says that iit2 kiind of liike how a prophet earn2 hii2 2triipe2, by beiing bliind, liike how an angel earn2 iit2 wiing2. At least 2 of the remaining classes would therefore have to be female-exclusive, in order to balance the number of known male-exclusive classes (presumably Witch and Maid, given the feminine connotations). Sollux also programs Sgrub, which causes the doom of Alternia. He is quick to anger, loud, and often rude, but has a strong sense of justice, and is good at heart. Who do you save? [10] Jade Harley lives on a remote island together with her dog, Becquerel, who is the First Guardian of Earth (later merging with him). Known Maids are Jane Crocker, the Maid of Life; Aradia Megido, the Maid of Time; and Porrim Maryam, the Maid of Space. Alright, so with all of the Classes done, its time for the Aspects. Aside from her interest in the occult, the character also enjoys knitting and uses her knitting needles as her go-to weapons (strife specibus Needlekind). Presumably, these classes are paired. Space - One of the two Cardinal Aspects, that must be present in every session for a chance of success, Space is the Aspect of Matter, Creation and the Genesis Frog. Calliope has stated there to be equal numbers of male-exclusive and female-exclusive classes, as well as implying that the number of commonly-male and commonly-female classes are balanced. Sollux created the mobius double reacharound virus that resulted in the death of the trolls lusii, although it actually prevented a far more sinister timeline in which Gamzee kills everyone. Page may also refer to the middle age term for a young knight in training. What do you throw into the kernelsprite? Before their falling out, he can calm Karkat (a rage-aholic) when no one else can and destroying his rage directly.