He told her her back might be more comfortable in the back seat, and they could put the laptop in the center console to listen to music. Please post in r/excatholicDebate for further discussion, Press J to jump to the feed. Well, yes and no. Christendom has no love, and without love there is only tyranny. The fact that you view consent as nebulous is a personal problem. All the fancy theology was useless for anything except further torturing myself for not being a good enough Catholic, not following the rules enough, and not being spiritual enough. In your own words, this article is about how this student should have received better care, and more protection from this guy later. She is very careful not to mention the perpetrators name without permission, but this courtesy given to the attacker is not given to any of the teachers and staff at the school. You dont like the sense it makes, you disagree with it, but your disagreement does not make it illogical. I always find it interesting they always try to punish students for drinking off campus, if you come back to campus drunk, Smith said. Why shes even Catholic I do not understand. Then on November 24, 2009, you sat next to her on a bench and made unwanted contact with her by placing your hand on her knee. What in this story is inaccurate? Not as well as I would have liked, but it was punished. Your objectives have nothing to do with the truth, the several patently false claims youve made about Christendom are evidence of as much. [2] It still occupies this site today. And spent half his classes monologuing about personal-life stuff nobody else cared about. It was very much like a museum, like an exhibit. Im a Canadian and while on a bus road trip around the US at 17 (amazing I wasnt murdered), I stopped there to check it out at my dads prompting. Class of '13 here, BA in History, Magna cum Laude. Right. Second, the rape occurred off campus; and so the school considered itself helpless to respond to it. Lol there was the one time I said I was suicidal youll go to hell he replied I dont care I responded your psychotic he said. This is an insane accusation and was never the case, as students have stated. 240: Challah round the world. Gigi, when I dated a man who attended Christendom, we had extended conversations about the philosophy of human nature that led one of the professors to conclude that, among other things, (a) women are ontologically inferior to men and (b) women shouldnt vote. Never mind the mental health agony I endured in thinking I had brought on myself same-sex erotic involvement. This is bad reasoning and I dont see it as incumbent on the school to drop its strict standards on sexual morality, in order appease people who think it might help with the problem. The Colleges Front Royal campus overlooks the Shenandoah River with scenic views of the neighboring Blue Ridge Mountains. A Catholic institution should have taken an accusation of serious sin much more seriously, and should have treated an accuser with far more charity. The idea of reporting her rape scared Smith. Carroll decided not to accept federal funding at the college, choosing instead to rely on generous benefactors. Why not with the rape? Judge William W. Sharp accepted the agreement and Luckeys guilty pleas. Small, comfy (by Catholic standards), friendly, followed Church rules, Catholic-focused academics (theology classes, everything oriented toward Europe and Church history, etc.). In 2021[46] and 2022,[47] the men's rugby team also received the #1 national ranking from National Collegiate Rugby. Not a one that I knew. Smith says that the administration cracked down on professors hosting off-campus parties, because they involved drinking. She developed Crohns disease, a disease exacerbated by severe stress. So she drove them down the mountain and back to campus. #1 . But by not questioning the accused on the matter of rape (it wasnt mentioned in his disciplinary notice), the college forfeited responsibility altogether. No, they simply made the decision not to accuse someone of a violent felony with zero evidence. I like this new group and their message about this whole ordeal: http://cascoalition.org/. The college had no policy on sexual assault? It is also questionable whether colleges and universities are equipped to handle such investigations internally. The men with whom I interact at school have consistently shown me respect whether it be through opening doors for me, saying good morning, supporting my academic pursuits, or courteously taking part in a discussion. . In 2021, the rugby team won the National Collegiate Rugby Cohen Cup National Championship in Houston, Texas, defeating New Mexico Tech. How come more worldly girls get raped too?Even from your writing it seems that Christendom did stand up from inside when Miss Smith felt comfortable telling her Theology! All I do have is the perspective of a dumb young adult who thought he'd found Heaven's outpost on earth. All rights reserved. And, as I said, they were more balanced than the others. If only for the sake of that important virtue diversity shouldnt there be ONE school in the country that has these rules for those who CHOOSE to attend? nor were the other women I know who hung out with them. You are very brave. It was my story. If she simply made an error in judgment and regretted the decision, she would be stating she had sex and lost her virginity before she planned to. A complete careful investigation, in their own words. Not quoted or described? It may be that the whole thing wasnt handled as it should have been, but then, how should it have been handled? I remember clearly two instances where a professor I respected and a male friend who I valued told me to my face that women were inferior in ability and authority to men and ought to accept that. Imply that all it involved was inserting a phrase, Do not rape. She told her friends, He had sex with me, and I didnt want to.. If some believe that our efforts and policies have failed to bring justice to their particular situations, please understand that despite being fallen human beings, the faculty and staff do their very best every day to provide a just and safe environment. The idea of being torn apart in court by someone with a law degree, and it being in the paper, was too much for me to imagine. Smith and her family were floored. Oh ladies, Im so sorry you had to deal with that attitude for any length of time. Most likely she was in a Trad house and that is why they considered it beneath them to discuss sex at all with their daughter and how to protect herself from seedy guys. Accused have rights. Lol, they arent bound by such conventions! It still deserves to be addressed adequately by the Admins, but we were much safer than most campuses. The Churchs teaching on this, particularly Pope John Paul II really upholds a woman in her own right and this was taught quite clearly at Christendom. After Adele did slap you, you allegedly said, If you slapped me really hard and it really hurt, I wouldnt want to kiss you. It is further alleged that on other occasions you went out of your way to volunteer with groups of friends that Adele had seduced you. This is such a difficult and upsetting situation it is helpful to read your perspective. If you think about it for half a second, youd realize youre asking more of Christendom than literally any institution could ever do, at least when it comes to prevention. Lets embrace it. As a cis dude, I found the dress code obnoxious, but never harsh. I feel challenged, respected, and loved by my teachers and am so grateful to be their student. Up until that point, I considered myself fairly knowledgeable, she said. The molestation permanently altered the course of my life, most of all because I thought it was my fault, because coercion and sexual violation was always portrayed as something that happened from creepy men to women, and my experience didnt fit that template. However, a private institution has some flexibility in such matters, and it is not entirely dependent upon the acts of civil authorities. Yes! Not a rapist. The school restraining order, if properly enforced(which I suppose to the authors credit, could very rationally be called into question), should at least be acknowledged as an attempt to guarantee her safety. A school cannot beyond a shadow of a doubt prevent rape, but you can reduce the risk of it, and one of the key arguments in this piece is that excessively strict PDA rules result in private, remote areas being the normal location for healthy romantic affection. Its bad because just by the quotes of things hes said, Im pretty sure hes exactly the kind of guy who would force himself on a woman. That doesnt really sound like they didnt take it seriously, but that they went above and beyond the accusation at face value and tried to address it by doing extensive research. Adele has no bad girl reputation on campus. And no, I'm not giving you any donations. She will do all she can to honor your requests and make your experience with Christendom College a pleasant and memorable one. Is it possible that they could get it wrong? What drives couples off campus is the desire to do things that are prohibited on campus; things which the college prohibits precisely because they can lead people to tempt themselves and each other. Im glad to see Christendom has made some changes and I certainly hope it will continue to educate its students and do all they can do to minister to needs and address wrongs. It is genuinely baffling to methough perhaps it should not bethat so many people read an article about a Catholic university so badly bungling its response to the sexual assault of its students and when they get to the end can ask with a straight face what was your goal in writing this? Or worse, claim that the writing of it was badly motivated or will have deleterious effects that outweigh the good done by shedding light on wrongdoing. A reasonable process may not have been able to do anything about the situation, but a reasonable process still should have been pursued. Note: This subreddit is a support forum and not a debate group and will be moderated accordingly. Simcha, Im honestly curious what your objective is in publishing something like this? California School District Lies About Teaching Critical Race Theory Hes obviously prideful and arrogant. And people worrying too much about specks in other peoples eyes and not the planks in their own or if they did worry about their own planks, it was to an extraordinarily high level of scrupulosity. How law enforcement and colleges respond to sexual harassment and rape allegations is a different matter, and I agree that does need to be addressed.